Monday, February 7, 2011

United States of America OR Communist States of America?

When I was a young man (I was born in the mid 1950's), it was a very different time. You could leave your house doors wide open and no one would even consider coming into your home uninvited. Americans were friendly, helpful to a fault, had immense pride in their country, and banded together to help not only those people they knew, but even complete strangers.

If any part of our government (city, county, state or federal) did something we disagreed with, Americans were up in arms and changes were made. Back in the day, the United States of America was controlled by Americans.

TODAY, however, it’s a completely different story!  Americans are greedy, self-centered, selfish, and completely self-absorbed.  Our government (all of it) has set itself above its citizens and Americans either don’t care or are so clueless as to what is going on that we should change the name of this country to the “Communist States of America!”

Sounds harsh?  Well too dam bad!  Our government, at all levels, pass thousands of idiotic laws that assist the wealthy in their never-ending goal to own or control everything.  If it is not the wealthy, aka huge corporations, pouring money into political campaigns to BUY our politicians, it is some fanatical religious organization who believes “worship my way or else!”

I can’t help but wonder if the days of the “old west” were the best way to live.  Back then, you kept your nose out of other people’s business or they shot it for you.  They didn’t have hundreds of thousands of moronic laws governing the way you walk, talk, think, and act. Your home was safe, your family was safe, your business was safe, and your city was safe: BECAUSE EVERYONE CARRIED A GUN!

Today, our government wants us helpless, ignorant, and dependent upon them to live.  Now let’s examine that!  In a communist country, the wealthy and powerful own everything and everyone else works for them. The government controls everything and you practically need their permission to use the toilet.

Sound familiar?  Try to do anything these days without a PERMIT.  Want to build or remodel something?  Want to carry a firearm?  Want to drive your own vehicle?  You had better have a PERMIT.  The only difference between the USA and a communist country is that communists look at the world and say “Yes we’re communist, if you don’t like it, TOUGH.”  Our government hides behind hundreds of thousands of laws but operates EXACTLY like a communist country.  Do as we say or we will fine or imprison you!”

I started this blog for the simple reason to let Americans “Bitch, Gripe and Complain.”  My hope is that Americans will get off their lazy asses and start taking back our beloved country.  I was born and raised in a free country, and I would like to die in one as well.  Say what you want; if you still think it’s a free country…..

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